Refugee Resettlement Ministry - The Cottage Project
On Sunday, April 18th 2004 we held an Open House and Dedication of the Cottage as we prepared to welcome our first refugee guests, Annie and Lloyd from Liberia.
If you would like to see more pictures from the dedication, please click here.
What is the Cottage?
The Congregational Church of Brookfield renovated the cottage adjacent to the church with the hope of helping to settle a refugee family. Before this initiative, the cottage was last inhabited in the 1950's. Since the 1950's it has been used for storage and for the "Collectibles Booth" at the annual Church Fair.
Who are refugees?
Refugees are those who have fled their countries of origin because of a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular group. They cannot or do no want to return.
The 17 million refugees in the world today represent a global human tragedy and should be of concern to every person.
How are refugees selected?
They are interviewed several times before being granted refugee status by the United Nations Commission on Refugees (UNHCR). They are interviewed again and subjected to background checks and they receive medical exams.
How do we do it?
The Federal Match Grant Program is designed to help refugees gain early self-sufficiency without accessing public cash assistance obtained through either state or federal agencies. Refugees are expected to stay in housing provided for a minimum of four months.
What do we do?
We are helpers, friends and advocates. What needs to be done to make it happen?
- Greeting upon arrival
- Housing
- Clothing & household furnishings
- Health (Medical check-ups)
- Transportation
- Social Security cards
- Emotional support
- Interfaith Refugee Ministry
- Finances
- Education (English as a second language - entry into schooling)
- Orientation into Community Life
What blessings do we receive?
- We learn about another country and its culture.
- We experience the world through the eyes of another.
- We deepen our faith and understanding of how God works in the world.
- We put our faith into action and overcome fear.
If you or your organization are interested in making a contribution whether it is for goods, services or financial, please contact the church office at (203) 775-1259.
We are called . . .
. . .to be God’s hands in the world
. . .to reach out to all of God’s people
. . .to care for each one