By Rev. M. S. Desmond for the Congregational Church of Brookfield, U.C.C. on
March 26, 2006 in the 50th Anniversary Year of his Ordination to Christian
Ministry in 1956.
Golden Jubilee of Ordained Ministry
Luke 15: 1-7 (TEV)(GNB)
Isaiah 40:9-11
It is an awesome privilege to return to this pulpit in this trek across the
50 years of my ordained ministry. I am overjoyed to begin the trip here in
Brookfield today, with you. Four more congregations to visit! Newington, N.H.,
Danbury, CT, Plymouth, Second Church, MA, and Verona, N. J. It is a selfish,
foolish, self indulgent plan... and I thank your pastors, your Deacons, and
others who have extended the welcome mat to me.
It is good to be with you. One pastor on hearing of my odd plan to visit the
parishes in which I served as settled pastor dubbed it my "Grand
Tour". (Rev. Laura Westby, Danbury, 1st.) My own vision was to mark this
50th year since my Ordination in November of 1956 in some memorable way... that
I would not forget, soon. I had never heard of such a thing, but approached the
current pastors in the involved churches with the idea, calling it my way of
celebrating my "Golden Jubilee Year" of Ordained Ministry with our
churches of the Reformation tradition. The response was encouraging, and so
today we are launching the Expedition: A Pastor returns to the sites of his
I am calling this my "Year of the Lamb" Not for the Chinese
Numbering of years by animals... but because of the lambness of a pastor's
experience. The term Pastor carries about it a rural agricultural image... and
shepherding is what pastoring is about. When Angie Jeffers - a News Times
Reporter covering Brookfield - asked me what I treasured most about my 50 years
in Ordained Ministry, I almost mentioned preaching... Spreading the Good News,
for that is certainly high on the list. But Nancy reminded me that I had often
rejoiced... and still do, in the welcome I have received as pastor into the
lives and homes and hearts of our congregation's families. In Good times and in
tough sledding, In joys and in sorrows, in achievements and in disappointment,
the pastors are welcomed into the lives of their church family. The emotional
ties are strong and deep, and the Pastoring image of the Shepherd and sheep seem
to contain much food for thought in today's visit.
However, as I prepared to speak with you this morning, I was struck by the
major hallmark of these 50 years of ministry that made it possible, year in and
year out...... And that is the driving empowering Spirit of the Almighty making
sufficient the insufficient. I was driven to choose ministry and kept to the
task by the shepherding of the Great, Good Shepherd. It is the keen recognition
of God's shepherding of my ministry, through all the years that makes this the
Year of the Lamb for me. This Lamb returns to you to celebrate the lamb-ness of
our living... and our dependence upon the shepherding of our God in Jesus our
Lord. The Lord is our shepherd, we shall not want. Because of this shepherding
God, we sheep may safely graze! And you heard the Scripture lesson Audrey
Himbaugh read today. More sheep and shepherds. I. GOD AS SHEPHERD A. Lambs and
Lambness are heavy topics in the Bible. Biblical Scholars of note, who count,
have found over 500 references to sheep, shepherds, and shepherding in the
Among those 500 plus references, there are over 80 which refer to God as the
Good Shepherd.
In the parable of the Lost Sheep from Luke which we read today, we find
another image of God as the good Shepherd. We call the Parable "The Lost
Sheep" although the main character is the shepherd who cares enough about
every single one of his 100 sheep to leave the 99 and set out on the search
until he finds the stray. When I was younger and wiser I used to fret about the
effect this Parable would have upon churchgoers... with its emphasis on the one
lost sheep. It seemed that the parable favored the wayward lamb over the
faithful and dutiful sheep that followed the shepherd to the protection of the
sheepfold. I even preached a sermon on the subject: "What of the 90 and
It was only later that I discovered that all of us are lost or have been.
Call it wayward or outcast, or lost, we know the lostness of abandonment,
failure, and wandering from the way we should go. Even the most disciplined and
faithful of us have known what it means to be a stray. No wonder we love
this image of the Shepherd who is a good one. He steps through church windows
around the world has he is memorialized in the stained glass art of the ages.
The good shepherd... seeks the lost until it is found... and when it is found he
carries it back to the 90 and 9 and to safety.
For the shepherd left the 99 and searched for the Lost Lamb UNTIL IT WAS
FOUND! God is like that. The God who creates in a word, who calls forth the
earth and the planets by a command comes to us in the search...calling us home
in the person of Jesus of Nazareth. Like a Good Shepherd... We are safe in the
searching love of our God, who is our Shepherd. That's where the power of this
parable is. For those of us who have known "Lostness"...the Great
Shepherd of Sheep is the Finder of Lost Sheep.
The magnificent passage from Isaiah 40 which we heard today compares God with
the Good Shepherd who will gather the flock (the people of Israel) and carry the
lambs in his arms. This is an image of caring and strength. This is an image of
hope and future. God as the Good Shepherd is an image to treasure and savor. You
can believe Isaiah. Isaiah gave expression to the expectation and hope: God will
not leave us helpless. Look to God. God will comfort the people. God will come
to us as a shepherd comes to the sheep.
Certainly humankind today has many needs, fears, and failures. Threats
surround life in the earth colony. There are hazards at every turn... How do you
see the thorn bushes and ravines that pose a threat to the earth people?
(Collect them from the crowd.) Hatred, Distrust, Warfare, Greed, Economic
Injustice, Haves and Have-nots, Religious intolerance, Ignorance, Me First-ism,
We abound in Threats on our planet earth.
Isaiah gives us a poem which lifts up the answer of the great shepherd to our
plight as earth sheep:
Behold the Lord God comes with might
- Our God will feed his flock like a shepherd.
- Our God will gather the lambs in his arms, [he will carry them in his
- Our God will gently lead the mother sheep.
-- Isaiah 40:11 2
[Divide the congregation and say the poem in parts...]
Group 1: He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
Group 2: He will gather the lambs in his arms.
Group 3: Our God will gently lead the mother sheep.
In the first line, He will feed his flock like a shepherd. Isaiah sees the
shepherd meeting the hungers of the flock. That was then, and this is now. In
our hearts today we are pained by the hunger that stalks the world today... and
in the news each week we discover the hungry in our own neighborhoods. Food
pantries cry for donations and the hungry individuals and families in our
neighborhoods line up for a bite to eat. Our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing
are among the most generous of our offerings to special needs through the whole
year. We are moved at the plight of the hungry and starving... be they children
or adults. Hunger to the point of starvation, as well as slow death by
malnutrition stalk the planet. Be they on our doorsteps or out of sight. Our
hearts and our pocketbooks are open to the hungry. Hunger spreads beyond the
mere "food enough" to feed the people. It includes the hungers that go
beyond the physical food and drink that keep the body alive. There are the
hungers for purpose, for productive labor, for meaning in the living of our
days. All these the shepherd provides in the vision of Isaiah:
[Call on Group 1] He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
In answer to the human prayer: "Give us this day, our daily bread."
the prophet presents God as the good shepherd of the flock:
[Call on Group 1] He will feed his flock like a shepherd.
Our list of snares and brambles that endanger us as we would "safely
graze" includes more than the need for food for the day. There is war.
There is fear. There is aloneness. The peoples of our earth colony are separated
from one another... nations arm against nations, distrust, hostility, and
aggression join oppression, violence, and pure hatred in separating peoples one
from another. Prejudice and bigotry express themselves in inhumanity within the
human family. We are alone. We feel lonely, lost, and abandoned. The paranoia of
distrust person against person divides and separates the human family both from
one another and from our God. Into the vacant landscape of the human scene
Isaiah projects the Good Shepherd... who comes seeking the lost and wayward
[Call on group 2] He will gather the lambs in his arms.
The shepherd gathers the flock in his arms restores the lost to the flock,
and creates community and trust within the family. This gathering in harmony and
trust is explicitly depicted in the forgiveness phrase in Our Lord's Prayer:
Forgive us our debts... trespasses... sins... offenses... Forgive us, as we
forgive others. The people of God are a community of covenant and trust in God
and in one another. In a more subtle way, the Lord's Prayer joins us with others
by the use of the plural pronoun. It is explicitly a prayer for humankind... the
whole lot of us, not just me, or you, or someone better or worse than us. OUR
Father. Forgive US . Give US . The very action of God in Jesus gathers us into
one common flock. Joins us in one community of humanity on earth.
[Call on group 2] He will gather the lambs in his arms.
Close to the bosom of the shepherd, the lone lamb feels the warmth of the
shepherd's body, is comforted by the steady thump a thump of the shepherd's
heartbeat, and feels the caress of the shepherd's hands on his soft wool. There
is safety, comfort, and shalom in the care of the shepherd.
[Call on group 2] He will gather the lambs in his arms.
The shepherd is promised for the needs of humanity. In thinking of the needs
of humanity, we note our own confusion of values and the perplexity we feel when
faced with a multitude of moral and ethical choices. We are tempted on every
side. Even when we would "do the right thing"... we are not sure what
that is. We pray with sincerity "Lead us ... Lord, Lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil." Lead us Lord. Out of darkness into
the light of your power and will. Lead us Lord. Lead us in your service, in more
productive lives, Lead us in the way you would have us Go.
[Call on group 3] Our God will gently lead the mother sheep.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
[Call on group 1] Our God will feed his flock like a shepherd.
[Call on group 2] Our God will gather the lambs in his arms.
[Call on group 3] Our God will gently lead the mother sheep.
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.