Jennifer DeBisschop
Congregational Church of Brookfield
I Shall Not Want
Psalm 23
John 10:11-16
We have just heard two relatively well-known scripture passages, both with
the image of the shepherd. We don't often think about the role or job of a
shepherd in this day and age. Instead we think about being teachers and
students, mothers, fathers, people who work in the business world, professionals
of all sorts. But in order to be in touch with the people of the time, the
Psalmist and Jesus both had to meet people at a place where they would be
understood. People understood the work of a shepherd. They knew that it was
difficult work, work that took dedication, risk, and honesty if it was to be
done right…work that took sacrifice if the shepherd was to make it to the
final destination with the whole flock alive and strong on the other side of the
I recently read a story about an actor and a preacher that involved the 23rd
Psalm. A famous actor was once the guest at a social gathering where he received
many requests to recite favorite excerpts from various literary works. An old
preacher who happened to be there asked the actor to recite the twenty-third
Psalm. The actor agreed on the condition that the preacher would also recite it.
The actor's recitation was beautifully intoned with great dramatic emphasis for
which he received lengthy applause. The preacher's voice, on the other hand, was
rough and broken from many years of preaching, and his diction was anything but
polished. When the preacher finished his recitation there was no applause but
neither was there a dry eye in the room. When someone asked the actor what made
the difference, he replied, "I know the Psalm, but he knows the
Shepherd." He knows the Shepherd.
The 23rd Psalm is one of the best-known and best-loved scripture passages in
the Bible. Each person knows and loves it for his or her own reason. It is a
reading that we most often hear at funerals or memorial services, almost as a
look at the next place, a small glimpse of heaven, the place Jesus went ahead to
prepare. It is surely a Psalm that comforts people when they are grieving. And
yet it is so much more than that as is illustrated by our old preacher in the
story. This Psalm reaches people at a place that is deep down in the very heart
and soul of them. Perhaps it is because someone is facing a difficult challenge
in life and needs to feel God's presence more than ever. Or perhaps it is
because someone is amazed at the blessings of life, the cup that is overflowing.
For whatever reason the 23rd Psalm is one that people can usually recite by
heart. It brings people to tears, brings smiles to the faces of others, provides
a sense of calm amidst the storm of everyday busyness and life's challenges.
"The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want."
The Psalms themselves are a glimpse into the reality of life among the people
of Israel at the time…and one might think not so far off from how we feel in
the unknown of our lives each day as well. One moment they are happy - praising,
worshiping, and thanking God for all of the blessings of life, for salvation
from enemies, for making Israel the chosen people. The next moment the Psalms
can be laments - God, why have you forsaken me? Why have you let me fall into
the hands of my enemies? Why have you not answered my prayers or fulfilled my
requests? That is where the 23rd Psalm is different. It is not really a Psalm
that praises or thanks God for anything, nor is it a Psalm of request or of
lament. Instead the Psalmist speaks of having trust and finding comfort in God…it
is a theology in and of itself.
Rabbi Harold Kushner, best known for his book When Bad Things Happen to Good
People has also written a book centered around this beloved passage entitled The
Lord is My Shepherd: Healing Wisdom From the Twenty-Third Psalm. He writes the
following, "The author of the 23rd Psalm has enemies. He has known failure.
He has lost people he loved. In the process, he has learned that life is not
easy. Life is a challenge, and he has grown stronger as, with God's help, he met
the challenges of life. He is a better person, a wiser, stronger person than he
would have been, had life not challenged him to grow...the 23rd Psalm gives us a
more practical theology than we can find in many books…Much of the time we
cannot control what happens to us. But we can always control how we respond to
what happens to us...[the Psalmist] teaches us to look at the world and see it
how God would have us see it. If we are anxious, [it] gives us the courage to
overcome our fears. If we are grieving it offers comfort and we find our way
through the valley of the shadow. If our lives are embittered by unpleasant
people, it teaches us how to deal with them. If the world threatens to wear us
down, the psalm guides us to replenish our souls. If we are obsessed with what
we lack, it teaches us gratitude for what we have. And most of all, if we feel
alone and adrift in a friendless world, it offers us the priceless reassurance
that [God is with us]."
The 23rd Psalm is not just a scripture of comfort, it is also a scripture
about everyday life…and about how to live it. I have a saying by Charles
Swindoll on the shelf in my office that is all about everyday life. It says,
"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on my life.
Attitude, to me, is more important that facts. It is more important than the
past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than
successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than
appearance, giftedness, or skill. It will make or break a company, a home…a
church. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the
attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past…we cannot
change the fact that people will act a certain way. We cannot change the
inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on he one string we have, and that
is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how
I react to it. And so it is with you…we are in charge of our attitudes."
The 23rd Psalm teaches us a thing or two about the attitude with which we are
called to face this world. It does not say that if we believe we will never face
difficult times or failure. It does not say that if we believe we will always
get what we want. Instead it says that God is our shepherd and that if we truly
believe then we know that God will be there in those times when we face
challenges, in those times when we fail at the thing we thought we knew best, at
those times when it seems like the whole world is against us. The 23rd Psalm
tells us that God provides for us, perhaps not the provisions of this world, but
instead the things that God knows we need deep in our souls, those things that
are able to renew and restore us. It also teaches us that if we just look at our
lives with an attitude like that of the Psalmist then we will see that our cups
truly do run over with blessings from God.
We learn more about what it takes to be a shepherd in the scripture from the
gospel of John that we heard this morning in which we are taught about the
differences between the shepherd and the hired hands. Although we can take this
very literally, we can also think of this as imagery that helps teach us a life
lesson in this very place and time. Jesus speaks of himself as the good
shepherd. A shepherd is the one who cares, who guides, who provides, and who
protects. The shepherd is the one that the flock can count on for all of those
gifts, for the gift of life itself. However, working alongside the shepherd at
times are the hired hands, the ones that don't care, the ones that run away at
the slightest hint of danger. What does this comparison say to us then? Perhaps
it reminds us that the things of this world are fleeting, and as much as we
might want them now, they will all pass along. They will become less important
and fall into disrepair much like the portable CD player in this age of I-Pods,
the car that was just perfect before gas prices skyrocketed, the house that had
your name written all over it at the time. We also realize that there are
sometimes people in our lives who are like the hired hands Jesus speaks of. And
we know who they are. They are the people that when trouble comes or conflict
arises decide that the fight is not worth fighting or the risk of working
through the difficulty not worth taking. Instead they turn away.
However we are also reminded that there are those in our lives whom we know
will be around, who enter into relationship with us from a place of love and
true care, who are willing to fight the tough battle and sacrifice in order to
keep things alive, well, and growing. God is like that. God so loved the world
that he gave his only son that we should not perish but have eternal life. The
good shepherd came into the world to be for us, an advocate, and to teach us how
to be for others: for those in our lives and our world who don't have an
advocate but who need someone and something that only God can provide.
Perhaps most importantly both of our scripture passages today are about
relationship. Just as a shepherd cares for the flock, God cares for each and
every one of us. Psalm 23 goes as far as to speak about anointing, an honor that
at the time was reserved for the important and powerful in society. As one
scholar puts it, "In the Bible anointing was primarily for kings, but also
for priests and occasionally for a prophet. The poet is eager to point out that
each of us is worthy of being anointed and recognized as special, as one created
in the image of the divine." It is in relationship that we learn about God,
ourselves, and one another. It is due to our relationship with God that Jesus,
who says, "I am the Good Shepherd" in the scripture passage from John,
taught about God, taught about how to live in community, and gave his life for
our forgiveness. It is in relationship that we discover our own and each other's
gifts and learn more about our own faith. It is in relationship in this
community at CCB that we are challenged and that we grow. It is in this
community of faith through worship, study, and fellowship that we are renewed
and restored; that we are called and sent forth to share that faith with others
in our world through our testimonies and our actions.
One of the ways that we restore and re-energize ourselves for the faith work
and spreading of the gospel that we are called to do through word and deed is to
come together at the Communion table. All of our differences set aside,
gathering together for our own nourishment and to be reminded of whose we are
and how much we are cared for as forgiven and redeemed children of God is an
essential part of our life here in community. So we come to the table today to
be nourished. We come to the table today to recall the sacrifice the good
shepherd made for us. We come to the table today to remind our selves and each
other that when it comes to the things that are most important in this life…in
fact when it comes to life itself…"The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not
want." Amen.