About Us
We Are...
Rooted in the Past
Alive in the Present
Focused on the Future
Our Mission
United in Christ’s love, we welcome all — to find purpose, peace, hope and joy as a faithful community serving God, one another, and the world.
Our Vision
Live Your Faith: Pray Share Welcome
Who We Are
The Congregational Church of Brookfield is anOpen & Affirming congregation of the United Church of Christ – a mainline Protestant denomination in the United States.
We Believe
Jesus Christ is Lord.
This belief is the central focus of our faith as a fellowship of growing Christians. We relish our history as Congregationalists with that long held tradition of the autonomy of each congregation . . . and the belief that each individual has a direct relationship with God.
One in Christ
We are a richly diverse people of God celebrating the unity we share in Jesus the Christ. While we affirm our individuality, we are thankful to be joined as a part of a fellowship, where “when two or three gather in Jesus name” God is found more fully in our midst.
A Ministry for You
We invite you to journey with us in the quest for meaning, hope, and purpose.
Congregational Church of Brookfield
Three-Year All Church Plan


We love our church.
We consciously try to LIVE OUR FAITH, providing a place to study and pray, share our gifts and welcome all to a joyful life of discipleship and faith -- both within our church and beyond, in the wider community.
Our pastors are only part of the process.
People often ask how they can get involved in the church, perhaps with the intention of eventually joining the church.
The answer is really quite simple, just come...
Come share in worship
Come join in the fellowship
Come and become a part of the ministry
Many assume they must join first and then become involved. That of course makes little sense. It would be akin to marrying your spouse first and then beginning the dating process. Our invitation and hope is that you will come and find out more about us and our ministries.
Joining in covenant membership is a statement that, yes, this is the place and the people among whom we make our faith home. Joining says that “you are a part of us” and “we are a part of you.” It also means you become a voting "shareholder" in the business of the congregation, and that you have made a commitment to attend church regularly, to serve on a church committee or outreach ministry where you feel called and where you are able to participate, to attempt to increase your faith through regular prayer and study, and to pledge a portion of your income to the work and ministries of our church.
For more information about joining the Congregational Church of Brookfield, please call the church office at 203-775-1259.
Did you know that even BEFORE you make a decision to join the church as a member, you can begin to serve as a volunteer and share your gifts? We invite you to explore the list below and learn more about how we are organized and do our work together as disciples of Jesus.
Although we have two ordained pastors, we consider all of us to be "ministers" of Christ's church. So if you find a ministry team here that interests you, please let us know. We'd be happy to have you talk to a team leader or pastor to learn more about that. You can attend meetings and help with team projects, even before joining as an official church member. All are welcome!
Fellowship Team
...schedules Sunday coffee hour, Serendippers, and plans all-church and intergenerational events. If you are a “party planner” at heart or just like to hang around with fun people, you’ll really enjoy this committee. Join this fun group if you want to help them create fun, meaningful and delicious opportunities, uniting generations of members in our Congregation, in sharing our common bond in Christ.
- Meetings: Third Tuesday - 7pm - (Hybrid, Zoom and Rainbow Room)
- Co-Captains: Monica Pondiccio & Elayne Schwartz
Christian Education (CE) Team
…facilitates educational experiences for all age groups, including nursery, church school, youth groups, confirmation, and adult education. This team creatively shepherds our youths and adults in a variety of activities. If you enjoy sharing your faith and like to exercise your creativity, you’ll fit right in.Meetings: Second Wednesday - 7pm - via Zoom
Captain: Caitlyn Doenges
Stewardship Team
...participates in counting the weekly offering, runs the annual Stewardship Education campaign, and creatively involves all of us in prayerful consideration of our gifts and talents. If you enjoy numbers, creative marketing, or educating others, you will fit in beautifully with the Stewardship team. This group embodies our church motto,”pray, share, welcome.”Meetings: Third Tuesday - 7pm - via Zoom
Captain: Sue Waschak
Board of Deacons
...serves communion, nurtures the spiritual growth of the congregation, and reaches out to congregants in various ways. They are “responsible” for a specific list of parishioners, and act as a “crisis team,” praying for members in need as well as offering spiritual and tangible support.Meetings: First Wednesday - 7pm (Hybrid, Zoom and Youth Room)
Co-captains: Carol Ryan & Marie Immohr
Worship Team
...oversees all matters that provide for meaningful worship experiences both in and out of the meetinghouse. The Music and Flower committees are part of this Team. If Sunday worship is an important part of your week, please consider joining this committee.Meetings: First Tuesday - 7pm on Zoom
Captain: Kim Downey
Church House Team
...oversees and maintains the church building and grounds as well as the develops a criteria for usage by outside organizations of the facilities and propertiesMeetings: Fourth Tuesday - 7pm - in Brooks Hall
Captain: Ken Arifian
Church in Society (CIS) Team
...provides opportunities for mission and outreach to our congregation. Also, the committee distributes our apportionments to the UCC.Meetings: First Tuesday - 7pm - Brooks Hall
Captain: Luke Duval
...oversees care of Church marketing, welcomes new members at services, updates our social media pages, and schedules visitors gatherings. If you enjoy meeting others, or would like to help others find a smooth transition to membership, this is a great place for you. Marketing skills are a bonus! No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.Meetings: Fourth Tuesday - 7pm (Hybrid, Zoom and Youth Room)
Captain: Tom Young

"If you could have seen the tearful eyes and heard the grateful words of thanks from the families as your donations were picked up, you would realize how deeply you have touched them"
Brookfield Social Services