Campaign Cabinet
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For All the Saints...
In this historic 250th anniversary year, it is perhaps more important than ever to recall the sacrifices that generations of “saints” before ours have made to build and maintain our beautiful church here at these crossroads. Now it is our turn. Whether it is to take care of long-deferred maintenance of our organ, Fellowship kitchen, and parsonage, or to enhance our programs of education and fellowship with air conditioning for the Church School wing, we know that our church family, young and old alike, is up to the task of doing what needs to be done -- together.
Our 250th Anniversary Campaign gives us the opportunity to make our ministries even stronger. We will have a much improved organ which will support our growing music program. Air conditioning will allow us to learn, hold meetings, enjoy fellowship activities and offer other groups a comfortable space year-round. Our 1812 parsonage will be renovated into a home suitable for a present-day family, but in keeping with the character of the historic home it is. Our own fellowship events and those of outside groups will thrive in a fully functional kitchen. Our members give generously of their time and talents. Together we can support this dedication by caring for the precious inheritance we have been given.
The time comes for each generation to step up to maintain, improve and expand upon its heritage. Our 250th Anniversary campaign offers our church today the opportunity to contribute to the historic mission of our congregation. Together we can reach our $525,000 goal. If the saints of the past could see us now, they would see our congregation hard at work preparing to update our facilities so that we will be ready to engage in the work of Christ’s church for the next 250 years!
Our Organ - Providing sacred music to enhance worship in our sanctuary for almost 100 years, our 1916 Austin pipe organ is in need of major repair. Because its traditional mechanisms are now well-worn antiques, they are beginning to fail - sometimes dramatically, with loud stuck notes or failures of complete ranks of sound. Our Anniversary Campaign allows us the opportunity to repair and enhance our organ. Fortunately we already have engaged a top organ consultant to guide us through this project. We expect the work to be done in the summer of 2008.
Our budgeted cost: $160,000
Our Parsonage - As an historic 1812 home, the parsonage represents one of our most valuable real estate investments. It has housed pastors for practically all of the 50 some years our congregation has owned it. That remains our primary objective for it and alternative uses would require congregational approval. Projects necessary to make it usable include renovation of windows, exterior siding, kitchen, baths, landscaping, septic and several other interior projects. For any period when pastors are not occupying the parsonage, we will seek temporary alternative uses that do not preclude its primary use, but would contribute to our overall ministries - either by increasing our usable space for church activities, programs, or outreach, or by generating facility use fees to offset maintenance costs.
Our budgeted cost: $220,000
Our Kitchen - At the center of our church’s many fellowship functions, our 1963 kitchen is desperately in need of updating. The square footage will not change, but a total renovation is planned which includes appliances, cabinets, flooring, etc.
Our budgeted cost: $50,000
Our Education Wing - Our Church School rooms and Fellowship Hall become uncomfortably hot during the late spring and summer months. Installation of central air conditioning will make them desirable meeting spaces year-round.
Our budgeted cost: $40,000
Additional expenses - A 5% contingency has been included in our campaign to cover possible project overages. Also, $10,000 has been allotted for campaign expenses. Our consultant’s fee for our Anniversary Campaign is $20,000.
Our budgeted cost: $55,000