Funerals and Memorial Services
In a time of loss, the church is a natural place to turn for help, and Pastors Bryn Smallwood-Garcia and Jennifer Whipple are available to offer comfort and guidance for those who grieve. To talk about scheduling or planning a funeral or memorial service, please call the church office (203-775-1259), and a secretary will connect you with a pastor to help you. Our church facilities are heavily used, so we ask that you refrain from announcing the date or time of a service until meetinghouse availability has been confirmed with a pastor and the church secretary.
The Memorial GardenThe stone wall in the Memorial Garden of the Congregational Church of Brookfield is built into the wooded and natural area to the west of the Church building. Placed at the entrance of the planned Outdoor Chapel, the wall defines an area whose natural surroundings invite the visitor to contemplate life with thanksgiving and point to the hand of the Eternal in the world around us. Revelation 14:13
“I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Blessed are the dead which die in the
Lord; they rest from their labors, and their works do follow them.’
The stone wall in the Memorial Garden is constructed to contain columnar niches for permanent placement of cremated remains. The wall is built of natural stone and topped with stone slabs. A uniform bronze marker gives the name and dates of birth and death of the person being remembered. The Memorial Garden wall is a fitting resting place for the earthly remains of loved ones. “Christ has been raised from death, as the guarantee
that those who sleep in death will also be raised.” The Memorial Garden is on the grounds of The Congregational Church of Brookfield and is managed by the Memorial Garden Committee of the church. To reserve a place or places in the Memorial Garden wall you may call the church secretary for an application (203-775-1259). For additional information, ask for a member of the Memorial Garden Committee to contact you. CREMATION PRACTICEJohn 11:25-26
“I am the resurrection and the life; all who believe in me, though they die,
yet shall they live, and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.”
An increasing number of people prefer cremation and are asking that their remains be cared for in this way. It is seen as a convenient process by which expense may be minimized and land space preserved for other uses. Cremated remains (ashes) may be interred (earth burial), or may be given to one's heirs for placement in a memorial niche or scattered, where legal. The ashes are delivered to the family in a container (box or urn) and may be stored indefinitely or hand carried or mailed for distant disposition. The CCB Memorial Garden provides an appropriate alternative for the disposition of cremated remains. THE MEMORIAL MARKER
The Book of Remembrance
The cherished memory of a loved one can be honored and the present and future good of the church can be enhanced through The Book of Remembrance. The Book of Remembrance is a memorial book displayed in the Meetinghouse, recording the names of those in whose memory gifts are made to the church together with the names of those making the gifts. (The amount does not appear). This book provides a fitting method and place in which a gift, of any amount, is lovingly offered, gratefully received and used for the continuing good of the church. The gifts are acknowledged to both the donor and the family of the person remembered. All purchases which the church makes with these funds will be in loving remembrance of all persons whose names are inscribed in the Book of Remembrance. No monies are expended in memory of a particular individual or group of persons. Twice a year a memorial service is held during the Sunday morning worship at which time these gifts are recognized and dedicated, and persons memorialized are remembered in prayer. The Book of Remembrance appeals to a great many people as a most beautiful and appropriate way to pay tribute to those whom we have loved. Memorials for the church are secured from these funds and are deeply appreciated. For more information, call the church office at 775-1259. If you wish to donate funds in memory of friends and loved ones, please notify: Book of Remembrance Treasurer
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05/26/2017 03:15 PM.
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